
选矿自动化技术自二十世纪四十年代发展以来,经过 70 多年的发展,已经取得了飞速的进步。在传统选矿技术之中,工人依靠自身经验进行手动选矿,无法对生产过程无法进行准确、及时的控制,从而达不到生产指标的要求。实现选矿生产自动化以后,通过使用一些自动化水平较高的设备,不仅减少了生产成本,而且使产品质量和生产效率得到提高,降低了原材料的损耗,使工人的劳动强度降低。我国近几年不断发展的自动化选矿技术,对选矿过程中的影响因素进行综合性的考虑,随着矿石性质的改变,对各种变量进行及时的控制,提高了选矿的质量。选矿自动化生产主要包含以下几个方面:浮选、磨矿和破碎等,通过使用计算机网络对生产管理和调度进行自动化管理,使生产过程达到最优状态,提高了回收率、精矿品位和产量,最终实现减少消耗和提高质量的目的。



我国矿山现有破碎机以 20 世纪 60_70 年代老设备居多 ,并一直在生产中发挥着重要的作用。若对这些老设备进行自动化改造,实现自动控制,具有良好的现实意义。


在选矿工艺中,磨矿作业是一个必不可少的重要工艺环节,其工作状态的好坏对选矿工艺指标、能源消耗以及生产成本的影响至关重要,直接关系到选矿生产的处理能力、磨矿产品的质量,对后续作业的指标乃至整个选矿厂的经济技术指标有很大的影响。为了充分挖掘磨矿分级作业的内在潜力,寻求高效的有效途径,对磨矿分级自动控制的试验研究具有十分重要的意义。磨矿系统有 4 个主要的技术的指标:球磨机台时处理量、磨矿粒度、磨矿浓度和溢流浓度。影响这些技术指标除了原矿性质以外,还与排矿水量、返砂水量、磨机充填率等因素有关。因此,有必要对磨矿系统实施自动控制,其目的是为了提高磨机效率,稳定分级溢流粒度,为选别作业提供合格的溢流产品。

磨矿作业是一个十分繁琐的过程中,具有很强的耦合性,只依据单输出和单输入的PID 很难对回路进行有效的控制,因此,应该使用模糊控制器,保证回路能够协调的工作,最终实现整个系统的自动化操作,针对回路的特征,应该使用不同的策略进行控制,在简单的回路之中,可以使用智能 PID 进行控制,在复杂的回路之中,使用模糊控制和串级控制等。各智能 PID 控制回路的给定值由一个模糊控制器根据系统运行情况自动计算。当矿石硬度、粒度、磨机介质、负荷量等发生变化时,球磨机的最佳处理量将发生变化,这时磨矿作业的控制参数必须及时作出相应的调整。



3.1 加药过程控制

在浮选过程中,加药是一个重要的环节,加药会对选矿指标产生直接的影响,在传统的选矿工作之中,一直使用人工加药的方式,使用人工调节的方式进行控制,在人工操作 的过程中,受到技术经验、熟练程度、责任心和经历等因素的制约,无法针对过程的变化情况进行有效的调节,随着选矿企业自动化、连续化和大型化的发展,对加药系统的自动化水平提出了进一步的要求,以往使用的管理方式不能与现在相适应,加强加药系统中的自动化水平已经成为了十分迫切的需求。 我国目前的加药控制系统一般使用流量控制的方式,在管道上配置电磁流量计,通过 DCS 系统控制管道上的调节阀或加药泵的变频器这两种方式来实现。

3.2 浮选槽液位控制

在浮选生产过程中,准确控制浮选槽液位,将浮选槽中矿浆液面保持稳定,对于提高浮选指标具有重要的作用,不但能稳定浮选作业,而且有利于提高有用矿物的回收率和品位等浮选指标。浮选槽液位检测的几种方法:电容式液位计、吹气式液位计、浮子式液位变送器以及超声波传感器。采用超声波传感器方法测量矿浆液位可避免前面 3 种方法测量的不稳定和不可靠的问题,通过在国内实践(采用特殊设计的浮子及连杆机构),超声波矿浆浮选槽液位计使用良好,免维护,克服了其它方式检测矿浆浮选槽液位计的缺点,解决了以前浮选槽液位计不好用及泡沫层厚度不能检测的难题,给国内选矿厂的浮选槽矿浆液位检测设计提供了一个很好的手段。但由于浮选机使用机械搅拌式装置,搅拌强度较大,故矿浆液位较难精确自动控制。


4.1 选矿自动化存在的主要问题



4.2 选矿自动化的发展趋势




Tungsten Carbide Roller

Tungsten carbide roller has characteristics of good wear resistance, high temperature red hardness, thermal fatigue resistance and thermal conductivity and high strength , have been widely used in high-speed wire rod, bar, rebar, seamless steel tubes, etc. Domestic production of tungsten carbide roller materials mostly WC- Co, WC- Co- Ni- Cr two series, and the content of Co, Co- Ni - Cr is in the range of 6wt% ~ 30wt%. From the use of perspective, tungsten carbide rollers has good mechanical properties, its flexural strength up to 2200 MPa or more, shock toughness up (4 ~ 6) × 10^6 J/ m^2, Rockwell hardness (HRA) is up to 78 to 90, widely in the high-speed wire rod rolling process, which is much higher than single-slot chilled cast steel or high speed steel rolls.Tungsten carbide is made of Tungsten Carbide Powder and binder phase (such as drilling, nickel, etc.), and then pressing and sintering, regardless of the conditions under cold rolled or hot rolled has excellent wear resistance, tungsten carbide rollers has been widely used in pre-finishing mill and finishing of high-speed wire rod currently. On the performance of tungsten carbide roller in hot-rolling wire rod , the material must meet the following requirements:
1. Sufficient anti-fracture strength;
2. Good abrasion resistance;
3. The smooth surface finish;
4. Excellent corrosion resistance, thermal fatigue, thermal cracking performance.
Tungsten carbide roller rings can working in bad conditions , small profile rolling (especially rebar rolling) process conditions is harsher than the high-speed wire rod, and therefore corresponds to the profile rolling ,tungsten carbide rollers recommend using high binder phase carbide.

Tungsten carbide roller material design
Pre-finishing all vehicles roller should ensure its high toughness, strength, rigidity and thermal conductivity, followed before considering its wear resistance. When designing each vehicles roller, pre-finishing materials should choose carbide grades of Co, Co- Ni- Cr binder content is high (greater than or equal to 25wt%) , requiring an average WC grain size of coarse (5μm ~ 6μm), to obtain a higher shock toughness, proper strength and hardness. For the finishing of the roller movements, particularly the last two rollers of the finish rolling, which suffered load is small, and high relative velocity of the material to be pressed (80 m / min ~ 120 m / min). In this case, the wear resistance of the roller to be the most important requirements, and must ensure the strength , timpact toughness and hardness of a reasonable match, so the binder of Co / Ni content ratio and the average grain WC control of particle size and other factors must have greater control in front of different pre-finishing rolling roll.

Tungsten carbide roller category
According to the structure of tungsten carbide rollers, it can be divided into solid tungsten carbide roller and composite tungsten carbide roller. Solid tungsten carbide rollers have been widely used in pre-finishing and finishing stands high speed wire rod mill (including fixed reducing the rack, pinch roller rack). Composite tungsten carbide roller is made of cemented carbide and other materials, and it can be divided into tungsten carbide composite roll rings and solid tungsten carbide Composite Roller. Tungsten carbide composite roll rings mounted on the roller shaft; solid tungsten carbide composite roller will be directly cast in the roll axis to form a whole, a large load is applied to the rolling mill.

Tungsten carbide roller production process control
Tungsten carbide rollers produced by powder metallurgy method, the key to its process control is the chemical composition of the material and the mixture was prepared, pressed molding, sintering and deep processing and other preparation process parameters.
1. Preparation of starting material (WC focus quality): As the WC raw material and quality control of the use of different levels of quality may fluctuate, resulting in adverse effects on microstructure.
2. Preparation of the mixture: Mixture preparation is the key to the production process of the roller, the roller of failure modes - trachoma, mainly generated by this procedure.
3. Pressing: roller pressing is an important process of the roller mill.
4. Sintering: roller sintering is to determine the final quality of the roller production processes, use of advanced low-pressure sintering technology, HIP sintering technology can greatly improve the performance of roller.
5. Deep processing: deep processing rollers have a greater impact on the quality and accuracy of the roller surface.

Carbide Roller,Carbide Ring,Mill of Rolling Line,Steel Wire Rod,Mill Rolling Finish Stand,Mill Roller Groove Type

Luoyang Golden Egret Geotools Co., Ltd , https://www.xtc-thermalspray.com