
1. Adopt IGBT Inverter technology, operate simply and conveniently, welding speed is fast, splash is little and welding is stable, welding line is beautiful;
2. Wire feeder inside, occupy little room;
3. Suitable for welding carbon steel and low alloy steel with weld wire above 0.8-1.2 mm;
4. Widely apply to such trades as metal furniture, metal structure, hardware craft, vehicles, shipbuilding, environmental protection and maintaining.
Parameter  Unit
 Control way  
 Rated primary voltage  V
 1 phase 220
 3 phase 380
 Rated primary input  KVA
 Output current range  A
 Rated duty cycle  %
 Max no-load voltage  V
 Welding voltage  V
 Wire diameter  mm
 Overall dimensions  mm
 Weight  kg 


World-HVACR technologies - A WORLD OF COOLING AND HEATING COMPRESSORS. Redscrew is a technical private enterprise specialized in supplying different brands compressors for Commercial and Residential Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heat pump and other industrial applications.
Since incorporated in 2006, our compressors have been used by facilities and plant maintenance personnel worldwide for the production of A/C and refrigerating equipment and maintenance of HVAC systems.

Compressor,Portable Air Compressor,Small Air Compressor,Spring Compressor

Hangzhou Refworld Mechanic&Electric Co.,Ltd ,