Dongfeng Cummins C280 20 Automotive Engine Technical Data Sheet | ||
engine model | C280 20 | |
Engine Logo | Dongfeng Cummins | |
Inspection report number | QC05061QD791/QC06051QD0071 | |
Product technology source | Introduced models (Cummins) | |
Emission level | GB17691-2001/GB3847-2005 | |
Fuel type | Diesel | |
Engine ignition method | Compression ignition | |
Engine oil supply | In-line pump | |
Engine intake method | Booster | |
Engine cooling method | Liquid cooling | |
Engine combustion chamber structure (compression ignition engine only) | Direct injection | |
Engine cylinder arrangement | Inline | |
Number of engine cylinders | 6 cylinders | |
Engine firing order | 1-5-3-6-2-4 | |
Engine cylinder center distance (mm) | 137 | |
Number of intake valves | 1 | |
Number of exhaust valves | 1 | |
Displacement (L) | 8.3 | |
Volume compression ratio | 18 | |
Bore diameter (mm) | 114 | |
Travel (mm) | 135 | |
Rated power (kW) / speed (rpm) | 206/2200 | |
Rated oil supply per stroke (mm) | 146 | |
Idling speed (rpm) | 600-800 | |
Maximum intake resistance (rated speed, 100% load) (kPa) | 3.7 | |
Maximum exhaust back pressure (rated speed, 100% load) (kPa) | 10 | |
The maximum power (kW) that an accessory driven by the engine allows to absorb | 3.5 | |
Maximum torque (Nm)/rotation speed (rpm) | 1125/1400 | |
Oil supply per stroke (mm) at maximum torque speed | 157 | |
Turbocharger/Model/Manufacturer | HX40W/Wuxi Holset Engineering Co., Ltd. | |
Intercooler/model/manufacturer/intercooler outlet maximum temperature | ||
Fuel injection pump / model / manufacturer | PES6P120A120RS7400/BOSCH company | |
Governor/Model/Manufacturer | ||
Injector / model / manufacturer | KBAL105P29/BOSCH company | |
Engine ECU - Software / Models / Manufacturers | ||
Engine ECU - Hardware / Model / Manufacturer |
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