Experimental study on ore dressing of an ilmenite ore in Hebei

The titanium-iron ore located in Chengde, sulfur is a high grade ore phosphate, TiO 2 grade of 7.31 percent. In response to the characteristics of this ore, the author conducted a shaker re-election-flotation combined process study on the ore. Using this beneficiation process, a titanium concentrate having a TiO 2 grade of 45.53% and a recovery of 68.78% can be obtained. Provides technical support for the development and utilization of this resource.
First, the nature of the ore
(1) Analysis of main chemical components and phase analysis
The main chemical composition analysis results of the ore are shown in Table 1, and the titanium phase analysis results are shown in Table 2.
Table 1 Analysis results of main chemical components of ore
chemical composition
TiO 2
Al 2 O 3
Na 2 O
K 2 O
Quality score
chemical composition
V 2 O 5
SiO 2
Quality score
*ICP analysis results
Table 2 Results of chemical phase analysis of titanium in ore
Titanium phase
Titanium in ilmenite
Titanium in magnetic iron
The rutile titanium
Titanium in silicate
Total titanium
Occupancy rate
(2) Mineral composition
There are few minerals in the ore, and the elements such as titanium, iron and phosphorus in the ore mainly exist as independent minerals. The independent minerals of titanium are mainly ilmenite and a very small amount of rutile; the iron minerals are mainly magnetite and hematite, and there are trace amounts of vanadium and titanium containing magnetite, limonite and pyrite; the minerals fluorapatite; major gangue minerals pyroxene, hornblende, a small amount of olivine, chlorite, plagioclase feldspar, biotite and traces of serpentine, sphene like.
(3) Embedding characteristics of main metal minerals in ore
1. Ilmenite
Ilmenite is the main titanium-containing mineral in ore and is also the main recycling object. The ilmenite is mostly embedded in gangue minerals in irregular granules. It is usually filled along the pores of gangue to form a sponge-like iron structure. A small amount of fine-grained and fine-grained ilmenite is scattered in the gangue minerals; ferrotitanium The ore is often closely associated with the closely symbiotic fine-grained, fine-grained magnetite and hematite aggregates, forming part of the edging structure, inclusion structure and complex symbiotic relationship, as well as the collection of magnetite and hematite. The body is in the form of inclusions in the ilmenite; sometimes the aggregate of magnetite and hematite is filled along the gap of the ilmenite grain gap; the ilmenite and the magnetic and hematite can be seen by scanning electron microscopy. The network structure formed by the aggregate; the common round granular apatite has a simple symbiotic relationship with ilmenite. The particle size of ilmenite is generally between 0.043 and 0.417 mm.
2, magnetite
The main iron minerals in the ore, altered hematite often along the magnetite grain gap to form a fine diamond-shaped, network-like and irregular collection of magnetite and hematite. The aggregates are often edging along the edge of ilmenite with irregular grains of fine particles and fine particles. The structure of fine granules and fine-grain inclusions is scattered in the gangue minerals, and magnetite inlays are also visible. In the chain structure in the gangue, it is sometimes seen that the fine-mesh vein-shaped magnetite is embedded in the gangue mineral, and the self-crystal structure of the magnetite is occasionally seen. Common magnetite forms a rim structure along the edge of the apatite grain. Generally, the side of the magnetite of this structure is 5 μm. The aggregate of magnetite and hematite symbiosis in the ore is finely grained and difficult to dissociate from the gangue. The particle size of the magnetite and hematite aggregates is generally from 0.015 to 0.074 mm.
3. Hematite
Hematite is a common iron oxide in ore. It is often formed along the pores of magnetite to form fine needles, rhombic lattices, parallel shapes, etc. Hematite is closely related to magnetite embedding. More complex formations of hematite and magnetite are formed. The particle size of hematite is generally 0.001 to 0.05 mm.
4. False angle hematite
The illusion of hematite in the ore is relatively small. The imaginary hematite is formed by the oxidation of magnetite. It is mainly embedded in the cracks and edges of magnetite. It often presents a rim structure and is embedded in the form of aggregates. Covered in the gangue. The pseudo-hematite particle size range is 0.002 to 0.15 mm.
5. Magnetite containing vanadium and titanium
Vanadium-containing and titano-magnetite are mainly embedded in gangue minerals in the form of fine-grained, fine-grained round granules and irregular granules, sometimes in combination with magnetite and hematite aggregates; Magnetite is produced in the form of leaf-like and fine-grained inclusions in ilmenite. Scanning electron microscopy analysis shows that vanadium is unevenly distributed. The particle size of the vanadium-containing titanium magnetite is generally from 0.002 to 0.02 mm.
6, pyrite, limonite
Pyrite is the main mineral of sulfur in the ore. It is embedded in ilmenite, magnetite and gangue with very fine round granular inclusions. The symbiotic relationship with magnetite is relatively close, and its content is very small. , only 0.03%. The particle size of pyrite is mostly less than 5 μm. Limonite is often embedded in the gangue in an irregular shape and vein shape. It is a minor mineral in the ore and has a particle size of generally 50 μm.
Second, mineral processing technology research
(1) Shaker re-election test
Under different grinding fineness conditions, the shaker re-election waste test was carried out, and the test results are shown in Fig. 1. According to the test results, the TiO 2 grade and recovery rate of the shaker concentrate increased with the increase of grinding fineness, but when the grinding fineness -74μm accounted for 65% and then increased, the TiO of the shaker concentrate 2 The recovery rate is reduced, so it is determined that the fineness of grinding -74 μm accounts for 65%.

Figure 1 Shaker re-election grinding fineness test results
(2) Flotation test
The ore is re-elected under the condition that the fineness of grinding is -74μm and 65%, and the shaker concentrate is produced, and then the flotation test of the shaker concentrate is carried out to improve the grade of TiO 2 of the titanium concentrate.
1. Adjusting agent dosage test
Using BK515 as the adjusting agent, the test flow is shown in Figure 2, and the test results are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen from the test results that as the amount of BK515 increases, the recovery of TiO 2 in the titanium concentrate increases. When the amount of BK515 increases to 700 g/t, the recovery of TiO 2 in the titanium concentrate decreases, while the TiO 2 grade decreases. The increase was not much, so it was determined that the amount of BK515 was 700 g/t.

Figure 2 BK515 dosage test procedure
Figure 3 BK515 dosage test results
2, sulfuric acid dosage test
The ferrotitanium has good flotation results under acidic conditions, so the sulfuric acid dosage test for flotation operation was carried out. The sulfuric acid dosage test was carried out in a shaker concentrate at a grinding degree of -74 μm, 70%, and the chemical conditions were BK515 700 g/t, BK465 600 g/t, and pine oil 50 g/t. The test results are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen from the sulfuric acid dosage test that when the amount of sulfuric acid is 1000g/t, the TiO 2 grade and recovery rate of the concentrate are higher; when the amount of sulfuric acid is increased, the recovery of TiO 2 of the titanium concentrate is reduced, so the amount of sulfuric acid is determined to be 1000g. /t.

Figure 4 Sulfuric acid dosage test results
3, collector dosage test
BK465 was used as a collector. The BK465 dosage test was carried out under the condition that the fineness of the shaker was -74 μm in 70%, and the chemical conditions were BK515 700 g/t, sulfuric acid 1000 g/t, and pine alcohol oil 50 g/t. The test results are shown in Fig. 5. It is known from the collector dosage test that the TiO 2 recovery rate of titanium concentrate increases with the increase of the amount of collector, but increases when the dosage reaches 600g/t, and the grade of TiO2R decreases remarkably. Therefore, the amount of collector is determined. It is 600g/t.

Figure 5 Collector dosage test results
4, grinding fineness test
When the shaker concentrate is subjected to the grinding fineness test, the chemical conditions are BK515 700g/t, sulfuric acid 1000g/t, BK465 600g/t, and pine alcohol oil 50g/t. The test results are shown in Fig. 6. According to the results of the grinding fineness test, the TiO2 grade of the titanium concentrate is basically unchanged with the increase of the fineness of the grinding, and the TiO 2 of the titanium concentrate is increased when the fineness of the grinding-74 μm accounts for 70%. The recovery rate was reduced, so the grinding fineness -74 μm was determined to be 70%.

Figure 6 Grinding fineness test results
5. Test of sulfuric acid content in coarse concentrate
Since the amount of sulfuric acid has a great influence on the flotation of the flotation titanium concentrate, the flotation of the titanium concentrate is tested. The test for the amount of sulfuric acid selected for coarse concentrate is shown in Figure 7. The test results are shown in Figure 8. According to the results of selected sulfuric acid dosage test, the TiO 2 grade and recovery of titanium concentrate increased with the increase of sulfuric acid dosage. When the amount of sulfuric acid increased to 150g/t, the recovery of TiO 2 was not obvious, so the coarse essence was determined. The amount of acid used in the mine is 150g/t.

Figure 7 Test procedure for the selected sulfuric acid in coarse concentrate
Figure 8 Test results of selected sulfuric acid in coarse concentrate
6, flotation open circuit test
On the basis of the flotation condition test, the shaker re-election of titanium concentrate was carried out under the condition of regrind fineness -74μm 70%, and the test flow is shown in Figure 9. The test results are shown in Table 3.

Figure 9 Open circuit test procedure
Table 3 Open circuit test results
product name
Job yield
TiO 2 grade
TiO 2 work recovery
Titanium concentrate
Middle mine 1
Middle mine 2
Middle mine 3
Middle mine 4
Middle mine 5
Flotation tailings
Shaker concentrate
7. Flotation closed circuit test
On the basis of the flotation open-circuit test, the flotation re-election concentrate was subjected to flotation closed-circuit test. The test flow is shown in Figure 10. The test results are shown in Table 4. In the closed circuit test, in order to maintain the pH of each work remains unchanged, the amount of flow acid is reduced.

Figure 10 closed circuit test process
Table 4 Closed circuit test results
product name
Job yield
TiO 2 grade
TiO 2 work recovery
Titanium concentrate
Flotation tailings
Shaker concentrate
8. Shaker re-election-flotation combined process
The shaker re-election-flotation combined process is shown in Figure 11, and the process indicators are shown in Table 5.
Figure 11 Shaker re-election - flotation test procedure
Table 5 Shaker Re-election - Flotation Test Results
product name
TiO 2 grade
TiO 2 recovery
Titanium concentrate
Flotation tailings
Re-election of tailings
Raw ore
Third, the conclusion
(1) The ore contains TiO 2 7.31%, P1.20%, S0.018%, and is a feldspar iron ore with high phosphorus and low sulfur.
(2) The ore is treated by shaker re-election-shaker concentrate flotation combined process, and the technical index of titanium concentrate TiO 2 grade is 45.53% and TiO 2 recovery rate is 68.78%.
(3) Providing technical support for the development and utilization of this resource.

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