How to determine the cyclic load in closed-circuit grinding equipment?

In closed-circuit grinding, the coarse-grained grade that needs to be returned to the grinding mill for re-grinding by grading is called cyclic loading (or sand returning), and its size can be expressed by two methods, namely absolute quantity (t/h) and relative quantity ( The ratio of the quality of the returned sand to the original ore quality is called the return sand ratio or the cyclic load factor). Since the appropriate cyclic load will directly affect the indicators of grinding operations, it should be measured periodically.

There are two commonly used measurement methods: (1) Screening method. The sieving method is used to determine the cyclic load from the classifier to the ore (milling ore discharge), sand return and overflow, and take a representative sample screening analysis to obtain a calculation level of three products (such as -0.074mm). The fractional content (yield) is then calculated according to the principle of the balance of the entry and exit in the classification operation according to the calculation level:

In the formula, , - is the calculated grade (such as -0.074mm) yield, % in graded ore, overflow and return sand. (2) Mass fraction method. Because the sieve test method measures the cyclic load, it needs to be sampled and sieved, and the cycle is long. The mass fraction method can be used for rapid determination in production. The method is to sample the graded ore, return sand and overflow, and determine the mass fraction of the three products (the mass fraction pot can be used). Then calculate as follows:

In the formula - the mass fraction or liquid-solid ratio of the three products of the classifier feeding, overflowing and returning sand respectively.

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