(1) Detection of raw ore and concentrate quality The ore processing capacity and concentrate amount are the quantity indicators of ore dressing, and the measurement is required to be accurate. There are many methods for measuring ore entering the plant, which are mainly determined according to the mode of transportation. Generally, it is metered on the belt conveyor in the factory. Most of the selection plants install mechanical belt scales or electronic belt scales on the ore belt of the grinding machine for automatic measurement. The error requirement is not more than 2%, so the belt scale should be used frequently. Test.
Small-scale plants are also used for manual metering, that is, scraping a certain length of ore on the ore belt of the mill, and weighing the belt according to the belt speed. Scrap several times per hour and take the average. Manual measurement is inconvenient and the error is large.
When the ore is transported by hand cart or car, it is commonly used for metering. If it is transported by wide-track vehicles, it is measured by rail scale. The two measurement methods have large errors, so the actual treatment of the ore dressing plant is based on the amount of ore fed by the ball mill .
The measurement of the concentrate is also determined according to the mode of transportation. It is common to install an automatic scale on the unloading belt of the filter or to install an automatic weighing hopper at the discharge of the concentrate belt.
If the actual concentrate quantity in the factory is transported by car, it will be weighed in the ground. When transported by train, it will be weighed by the track scale.
The difference between the original ore and the concentrate is the amount of tailings.
(2) Determination of slurry concentration The slurry concentration is one of the most important factors affecting the ore dressing index during the beneficiation process. In the grinding process, the slurry concentration affects the efficiency of the grinding technology. When grading, the slurry concentration has a great influence on the classification granularity. Generally, the concentration is high and the classification is coarser, and vice versa. During the flotation process, the slurry concentration affects the flotation time and the amount of the agent. During the dehydration process, the slurry concentration affects the productivity of the thickener and the filter.
There are many methods for determining the concentration of slurry. The concentration pot is still used in the plant selection. In the future, an automatic detector or an automatic concentration control device should be adopted.
The principle of using the concentration pot to determine the concentration is to first measure the density of the slurry, and calculate the concentration of the slurry by the following formula:
Where p is the concentration of the pulp, ie the mass percentage of the solid content, %; δ - the density of the ore, g / cm. ; △ - the density of the pulp, g / cm. ;
The density of the ore is known. The empty weight and volume of the pot can also be measured in advance. When the pot is filled with the slurry and the mass is called, the density of the slurry can be calculated. The formula (10-2) can be used. The concentration of the pulp obtained.
A form is usually prepared in advance on the site. For a specific concentration, the pot should be weighed to the mass after filling it, and then check the concentration value from the table. Take Table 10-1 as an example. If the volume of the pot is 1000 ml, the concentration of the slurry is weighed and the concentration is found from the table. For example, the ore concentration is 3.8 g/cm. The actual pulp quality was 1,284 g, and the concentration was 30% from the table. The solid-liquid ratio of the slurry was 1:2.33. This form can be expanded.
Table 10-1 Mineral concentration table (concentration pot pulp volume is 1000 ml)
(3) Determination of fineness of grinding products In the grinding process, in order to achieve sufficient monomer separation in the useful minerals in the ore, in order to create favorable conditions for the sorting operation, the grinding fineness is determined after experimental research, and Expressed as a percentage of the -200 mesh content. There are many methods for checking the fineness, and the site is generally analyzed by overflowing and sampling in the classifier. Here is a quick screening method: a slurry sample (usually 1 liter) filled with a volume of pulp is weighed. The mass of the slurry is set to q1, and the slurry is poured into a sieve immersed in a water basin (using a 200 mesh or 100 mesh standard sieve) for wet screening, and sprayed with a fine water stream until the washed water is cleaned, and then Move the product on the sieve back to the bottle and add water to the same mark as the original slurry. Reweighing, the product on the sieve is added and the mass of the water is q. The mass of the bottle is known to be a, the volume of the bottle is b (ml), and the yield of the product on the sieve (+200 mesh or 100 mesh) is obtained. for:
It should be noted that this test method assumes that the density of the on-screen product and the undersize product are equal, and if their density differs greatly, the result of this inspection method is an approximation.
Some of the selection plants take a comprehensive fine sample every shift, and after drying in the processing room, 100 grams are shrunk, and the fineness is measured by wet screening.
(4) Detection of the pH of the slurry The pH value of the slurry is an important factor affecting the flotation process. The pH value of the copper sulfide ore flotation is generally required in the range of 9 to 11 copper sulfur mixed concentrate flotation separation, the pH value is required to 1l ~ 13. Flotation plants generally have to test the pH of the pulp, and a few plants use the method of determining the free base. For the detection of the pH value of the slurry, a general test can be carried out using a pH test paper. For more accurate determination, colorimetry or potentiometry is used, and colorimetry is rarely used. The potential method is based on the fact that the two electrodes inserted into the liquid to be tested can determine the pH value of the solution according to the concentration of the hydrogen ions in the liquid to generate a corresponding potential difference. Its reference electrode is usually a calomel electrode and the other electrode is a glass electrode. Potentiometric pH is highly accurate and can be measured continuously. The results measured over long distances can be automatically recorded. There is no need to filter the slurry, just insert the electrode into the slurry.
When the adjuster uses lime, the alkalinity of the slurry can be used to determine the free calcium oxide content of the slurry. The method is as follows: firstly filter the slurry, take 25 ml of the filtrate with a volumetric flask, and pour into a beaker. Add one drop or a few drops to the phenolphthalein indicator and the filtrate will turn pink. Because the phenolphthalein indicator is pink in an alkaline solution, it is colorless in a neutral or acidic solution. The solution was titrated with a 0.1 N sulfuric acid solution until the discoloration, and the acid consumption was recorded. The content of free calcium oxide in the slurry can be calculated by the following formula:
Where a - the number of milliliters of H2S0t solution used for titration; b - the amount of filtrate used for the measurement, ml; N - the equivalent concentration of H2SO4 solution for titration; R - the gram equivalent of CaO, R = 28.
When the concentration of sulfuric acid is 0.1 equivalent and b is 25 ml,
Assuming that the 0.1 N sulfuric acid solution consumption is 3.5 ml at the time of measurement, the free oxygen specific calcium content in the slurry is 112 x 3.5 = 392 g/m3. A conversion table is generally prepared in advance at the site, and the content of free calcium oxide is determined based on the titration result.
(5) Examination of chemical composition The useful components in the ore and beneficiation products and their impurity contents are determined by chemical analysis. The ore mines selected at the site, the concentrates and tailings obtained during the sorting process are sampled and analyzed. Sometimes you need to know the situation of a certain sorting operation, or you can do a quick chemical analysis. It is to sample and analyze a certain operation product every hour or two to find the problem in time.
(6) Determination of moisture The raw ore and concentrate should be measured for moisture in order to calculate the actual quality of the ore and concentrate.
The determination of moisture on site is to determine the difference between the mass of the wet sample by weighing the wet sample and then drying it to a constant weight at a temperature of 100-105 ° C. This is the moisture content (humidity) of the sample.
(7) Examination of the administration The flotation plant shall check the dosage of the pharmaceutical system and the dosage of each dosing point.
After the ore dressing agent is prepared in the dispensing room, it is sent to the oil medicine box of each dosing point, and the medicine enters the various dispensing points of the flotation from the oil medicine box along the catheter.
The amount of the drug can be measured by manually measuring the flow rate of the drug in a measuring cup, and then calculating the amount according to the following formula.
Where A is the dosage of the raw ore per ton of raw ore, g / ton;
q - the flow rate of the drug added per minute, ml / min;
C——agent concentration, %;
δ - the density of the drug at a concentration of C, g / ml;
Q - the amount of processing per hour, ton / hour.
Some concentrators use numerically controlled drug delivery machines to measure the amount of drug in a timely and accurate manner.
(8) Inspection of useful mineral composition In general, in the optional study of ore, the material composition, mineral composition, symbiotic relationship between each mineral and the grain size characteristics of the ore have been studied in detail. Provided the basis for the design of the concentrator. However, in the ore dressing production, it is sometimes necessary to examine the beneficiation process and conduct mineral inspection on the ore or mineral processing products.
Combined with mineral analysis and sieving, it is possible to check which minerals exist in the ore and mineral processing products, the co-production relationship between the minerals and the dissociation after grinding.
The composition of the ore in the ore can be determined by chemical analysis, phase analysis, and microscopic analysis. Microscopic studies of thin slices and patches of ore and beneficiation products can determine the mineral composition, the size of the mineral particles, the monomer dissociation of useful minerals in the grinding products and beneficiation products, and the nature and quantity of the connected organisms. At the scene, microscopes and binocular magnifiers are also used to quickly inspect grinding products and mineral processing products.
(9) Other concentrators need to be mined at a certain temperature, and the temperature of the slurry should be checked.
In order to better understand the working state of the beneficiation equipment, it is sometimes necessary to determine certain parameters of the beneficiation equipment, such as the amount of aeration of the flotation machine, the magnetic field strength of the magnetic separator, and the degree of vacuum during operation of the filter.
It is worth noting that with the advancement of technology. The level of ore dressing automation at home and abroad continues to increase. Therefore, the detection and control of many parameters of the beneficiation process are also developing in the direction of automation. For example, the automatic adjustment of the ore and concentration of the grinding process, the automatic adjustment of the flotation level, the automatic adjustment of the pH value of the slurry, and the accurate and timely measurement of the dosage of the numerically controlled drug delivery machine have been performed in some domestic concentrators. Successful applications have shown that automated testing methods have achieved great results.
Ruian Ouyu Engine Parts Co.,LTD , https://www.moerwiper.com