Real-time monitoring of vacuum coating with high-precision balance weighing method

Real-time monitoring of vacuum coating with high-precision balance weighing method
The core tips: Balance suspension measurement control device diagram equip the scale out the song tt If the time t, the deposition quality M can be read, then the film thickness is: where M is the actual weight gain mass of the sample, A is the area, d The mass density of the film material. Assume that the beam density 4* of vaporized atoms is constant during the experiment

Balance scale hanging control measurement device diagram Stirring balance out tt If the time t, the deposition quality M can be read, the film thickness is: where M is the actual weight gain mass of the sample, A is the area, d is the film material The mass density.

Assuming that the beam density 4* of the evaporated atoms during the experiment is constant, the total number of deposited atoms is during the evaporation process. When the atoms are deposited on the sample, the velocity of the atom changes from v to 0, and the atom pairs that arrive within the unit time The equivalent mass reading of the impulse of the coupon is where g is the gravitational acceleration and the velocity v, which can be solved by (4), is regarded as the average velocity of the beam atoms. In an experiment, assuming that the velocity of the atoms remains stable, F can be considered as a constant. At this time, dl/dt can be obtained from the slope of the It curve. From (4) (5), the vapor density can be maintained at both 4* and v. Under the condition of stability constant, the flow and beam velocity v can be calculated by using the weighing scale's weighing curve. In this way, we can use the set of data measured by the balance to obtain not only the film thickness information but also the evaporation flow at the same time. The density of atoms in the space and the average speed are all in one fell swoop.

3 Experimental results and conclusions We used the METTLERTOLEDOAX-SEKIT balance plus suspension sampling method to conduct electron beam evaporation of zirconium experimental study, get the following experimental curve: The obtained curve is consistent with the theoretical theoretical curve discussed previously, for the electron gun evaporation of 15.36kW 400 seconds, the sample weight gain 20mg, the area is 7.5cm2, the density of zirconium is 6.56g/cm3, its film thickness is 4.1um, the vapor density is 6.8Xlu/cm' can be seen from the figure, when the beam is turned off After that, the final reading becomes a constant, so calculating V with the number of transitions when the beam is turned off can be calculated more accurately. In the same way, measurements were made with an evaporation beam power of 10.2 kW and similar results were obtained.

For the balance we use, the reading position is O.Olmg and the linearity is 0.1mg. For the zirconium with a density of 6.56g/cm3, it is of very good use value. We have not seen the use of microbalances before. Film thickness measurement report. This method can not only sensitively sense the generation of thin film, but also can obtain useful information on the density and speed of vapor, etc. Simultaneously, the operation is easy, the measurement accuracy is high, and with the use of a computer, the automatic control can be well set in advance. Film thickness.

Silicone For Agriculture

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Organic Silicone Surfactant,

silicone spreading adjuvant,

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wetting agent,

polyether modified heptamethyltrisiloxane,

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Advantage: It is a superspreading surfactant based on trisiloxane. 1.Super spreading and penetrating property: Quickly and thoroughly enhance the agro-chemical's penetrability, disperity, absorption, tranportion on the plant. The spreading area and speed of the agro-chemicals on the leaf of plant can be increased greatly.
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Organic Silicone Surfactant, silicone spreading adjuvant, spreading agent,super wetting agent, Defoamer for pesticides, polyether modified heptamethyltrisiloxane, super spreader surfactant

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