Mixture of gold mercury method is a simple and ancient method. It is based on the principle that gold particles are easily wetted by mercury, and mercury is then diffused into the gold particles to form gold amalgam (including amalgam). The amalgamation reaction can be expressed by the following formula:
The composition of gold amalgam (paste) varies with its gold content. When the mercury is mixed, the surface of the gold particles is first wetted by mercury, and then the mercury diffuses into the interior of the gold particles to form AuHg2, AuHg, Au3Hg, and finally forms a solid solution Aus Hg of gold in the mercury. When the amalgam is heated to above 375 °C, the mercury volatilizes in the form of elemental mercury, and the gold exists in the form of sponge gold.
Mercury amalgamation is generally not an independent process, and often forms a joint process with other methods of selection. In most cases, amalgamation is only an aid to gold recovery. Due to the poor working conditions of mercury, the labor intensity is high, it is easy to cause mercury poisoning, and the waste water containing mercury should be cleaned. It is gradually being replaced by flotation or re-election. However, the amalgamation method can recover the natural gold of the monomer, which can be used as a real estate gold, so it still occupies a certain position in the gold beneficiation . The principle flow of amalgamation and gold extraction is shown in Figure 8-1.
At this time of Chair Hardware should be flat or flip open, chair hardwares include shaft to open chairs or hinge and the chairs shut device such as pin.In order to improve the chairs the wind strength, it is widely used outside the chairs. But hinge must be exposed outside the chairs, the wind and rain erosion resistance of hinge became a problem. Now some of the more than one hundred old buildings in Europe, you can also see 10 times larger than present ordinary hinge of metal hinge, the hinge on the style and ancient European construction is harmonious.Outside the chair hardware of the another question is to prevent the casement of open type in free violently movement under the action of wind, so have the so-called limiter, the limiter in many ways are prone to failure parts.
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